I'm a copywriter, an athlete, an optimist, a creative. I've had three Moms, two Dads, and one brother. I have no blood relation to anyone in my family, but I've got the best family in the world. A few other things about me?
I have over 20 pairs of jeans - you'll rarely see me in anything else.
I dip my fries in my Frosty - try it. You're welcome.
Italian designer Roberto Cavalli bought me my first pickup truck.
I was in a plane hit by lightning - pass on that if you get the chance.
If you have a horse, you're about to have company. (Me.)
Favorite exercise activities? Soccer and pickleball.
I'm a no-BS kind of girl. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
My favorite pieces of wisdom
They're from a book called Cowgirl Smarts: How To Rope A Kick-Ass Life. Of the 17 pieces of wisdom, there are five I try to live by every day:
Buck the rules.
Dream as big as Texas.
Attack life like it's a 1,000-pound steer.
Ride high, but stay grounded.
Always get back on the horse.